Mission Statement

The mission to this blog is to share recipes, encouragement, information, tips and tricks, links, and more that I have found or has been sent to me since my RNY in 2010 to help me and hopefully YOU! I am NOT paid by any company or person so this is totally objective in my own personal opinion and use. I am not a medical professional either, so please always seek medical help if you have concerns or problems.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

SUGAR and it's names

The average American eats more than 30 tsps of sugar a day... that's more than 114 pounds in a year!  Sugar is everywhere and you want to ELMINATE IT as much as possible!  The World Health Organization recommends no more than 12 - 15 tsps a day or 48 - 60 grams.  As a WLS Patient, you want to ELIMINATE it to prevent dumping and weight regain.  It also triggers in most to seek more sugars/carbs/foods...

Check out sugar it its many aliases...
HINT:  anything that ends in "-OSE" is a sugar!

~      beet sugar     ~     brown sugar     ~     corn sweetener     ~     dextrose     ~     evaporated cane juice     ~     fructose     ~     fruit juice concentrate      ~      galactose     ~     glucose     ~     grape sugar     ~     high fructose corn syrup     ~     honey     ~     invert corn syrup      ~      invert sugar     ~      lactose     ~     malt     ~     maltose     ~     malt syrup     ~     maple syrup     ~     molasses     ~     raw sugar     ~     rice syrup     ~     sucrose     ~     sugar     ~     syrup     ~

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