Mission Statement

The mission to this blog is to share recipes, encouragement, information, tips and tricks, links, and more that I have found or has been sent to me since my RNY in 2010 to help me and hopefully YOU! I am NOT paid by any company or person so this is totally objective in my own personal opinion and use. I am not a medical professional either, so please always seek medical help if you have concerns or problems.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How Much Protein Digested at One Time?

It depends on how much protein the body needs at the time the protein is movin' on through.

There isn't a set number or figure... as it is a human body.

That's like asking how many cc's of blood comes from the hole you poke in your arm with a fork. Well, it would depend on lots of things... how hard you poked, how big a fork, how big an arm, and maybe even the viscosity and makeup of the blood.

See what I mean? So if you are asking about the widely distributed info that we 'only absorb 30 grams in one sitting and that anything more is a waste'. There is nothing to indicate that it really works that way... and folks that really know about medical biochemistry and analysis, laugh a little when you ask them stuff like that. One in particular asked me 'where do people get stuff like that from?' I tell them the internet, on message boards, and he just shook his head.

Your body takes what it needs for that particular time... sometimes it may need more sometimes less, but the key is that you dont know so for someone to limit themselves to 30grams in 1 hour, is fine but not necessarily accurate... sometimes your body may need more and is it a big deal to provide it with 40 in 1 hour... if sometimes it is needed? I know muscle heads that eat 36 egg whites a day, plus drink shakes because their body needs it and sucks the stuff up and no one tells them it is a waste. I understand that the people that quote the 30 gram at once thing think that is has to do with the bypass but don't really know why... so, having said all that.

I make my shakes with usually one scoop... but if I have it for a meal I use 1 1/2 scoops... so my protein drinks are usually 22-35 grams anyway because I like the taste better that way.

Just worry about total grams, and it is better to not drink ALL 80 at one time, as that is just common sense, but dont stress out over whether its 20 or 30 or 40 as we really just dont know exactly how much gets absorbed at once... at best it is an estimate with wide parameters.

REPLY from Susan Maria Leach in March 2006

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