Mission Statement

The mission to this blog is to share recipes, encouragement, information, tips and tricks, links, and more that I have found or has been sent to me since my RNY in 2010 to help me and hopefully YOU! I am NOT paid by any company or person so this is totally objective in my own personal opinion and use. I am not a medical professional either, so please always seek medical help if you have concerns or problems.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Always buy wild caught salmon... farm raised salmon are fed a diet that raises their omega 6s, not their omega 3s.  Farmed fish have higher levels of PCBs and other organochlorines than wild caught, and their farms create sea lice that kill wild salmon.  (go to www.mgayaq.org for the best choices in seafood in your area)

Eat fish within 2 days of purchase.  If you can't find wild salmon in your area, consider ordering it online -- it's worth the investment and peace of mind.

Used canned salmon, which is almost always wild caught, to sprinkle over salads, fold into a low carb wrap, or add to an omelet.  Or try kippered snacks - smoked herring, quite delicious all by itself - or sardines.

If you are really freaked out about the environmental toxins in fish, you can (and should!~) take a daily fish oil supplement instead.

*information from Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels  

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